
The amBushed party held the fort desperately till reinforcements arrived.

The President's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital.

The trio looks for Koth's acquaintance, but are ambushed by a group of nim.

Today, my brother and his friend ambushed me, tied me to a chair, and put a sock in my mouth.

On October 22nd an army brigadier was ambushed outside his house and killed by two gunmen on a motorcycle.

While on a search-and-destroy patrol, near the village Di an, we were ambushed on a jungle trail by a small band of Vietcong guerillas.

It says that at around noon on May 14th the alleged victim, a maid at the posh Sofitel Hotel, near Times Square, entered Mr Strauss-Kahn's room to clean it, where she was ambushed.

Twenty men to the barricade. Six ambushed in the attic windows, and at the window on the first floor to fire on the assailants through the loop-holes in the stones.

Cars were set alight, flaming barricades erected and police ambushed.

We both climbed into the cab of the pickup truck, where other hearts ambushed us.

The kidnappers ambushed the diplomat's car in a residential area of the troubled city and killed his Afghan driver.

Thesoldiers and the police crouched in irrigation ditches and behind walls. Acrossan open field, they could see the spot where they had been ambushed two daysbefore.

He could not have looked less like the "grim-faced prime minister", who hours earlier had been ambushed outside his home by reporters asking about his role in a fund-raising scandal.


You get ambushed and kill the ambushers.

The Elves of Silvermoon are ambushed on the plains of Alterac.

They arrived in front of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in 1842, scheduled to arrive at the location early, only to be ambushed British troops.

On Tuesday March 3rd masked gunmen in Lahore ambushed a convoy carrying Sri Lanka's national cricket team, wounding seven players and a British coach and killing five policemen and two others.

But other dog species ambushed their prey in a manner similar to the cat family.

London's very drawbacks — its endless noise and hustle, its smoky air, the squalor ambushed everywhere in it — assured this one immunity.

En route, they were ambushed by Tusken Raiders.

Just as they were emerging from their bunkers after a dismal first quarter, some of the big Wall Street investment Banks got ambushed.

Just days before Bahadar called off his peace deal with officials, a military convoy was ambushed in North Waziristan.

They ambushed the invaders.

Animal protection groups have occasionally ambushed truck convoys loaded with bamboo cages filled with cats bound for Guangdong.