
Not all states, however, mandate their use.

Republicans don’t have a mandate to cut spending; they have a mandate to repeal the laws of arithmetic.

America's Library of Congress enjoys a specific mandate, and budget, to save the web.

Deeming their mandate to be from God, popes believe it can only be taken away by the Almighty at death.

Remember, manipulating light and temperature manipulates your body's clock and gives it a clear mandate to sleep.

She has after all a mandate that transcends the influence of her brother. And she must remember that reconciliation is a loaded word.

Unlike central banks around the world, the RBI doesn’t have a clear inflation or unemployment mandate; instead it targets multiple indicators that are known only to officials within the bank.

It is the most ambitious of the bills with serious backing: it would cut carbon emissions to 2004 levels by 2012 and then mandate further reductions of 2% a year until 2020.

We have an absolute mandate for these proposals.

She has after all a mandate that transcends the influence of her brother.

QFII should mandate its custodian to open a RMB settlement account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution.

The need for a strong mandate to control systemic financial institutions at the supranational level is particularly important for Europe’s integrated market.

The central question is whether there should be a health insurance "mandate" - a requirement that everyone sign up for health insurance, even if they don't think they need it.


We humbly accept their mandate.

The decision came less than three hours before the mandate was to expire.

Where can the most efficient actions be undertaken to ensure maximum impact of adaptation and mitigation measures in the areas of the mandate of FAO?

As for Mr Berlusconi, he will doubtless see the result as a mandate for his continued attempts to curb the criminal prosecutors who have pursued him since before he entered politics 16 years ago.

Without a more robust mandate, Mr Gambari may well suffer the same fate.

A President with a big personal mandate, solid majorities in both Chambers of Congress and a silver tongue ought to have been much braver.

It does not, however, mandate a whole application rewrite.

"Almost all areas of clean technology will get a little less investor interest because there is no mandate," predicts Vinod Khosla, a prominent venture capitalist.

Before beginning the process of ideation, it’s important for designers to have a clear mandate for moving forward.

Why have a mandate?

Pioneering reforms in Massachusetts have helped win over many liberals to the mandate idea.