
The New York Post and the National Enquirer more than once felt the need to import British hacks.

A friend told the National Enquirer: 'The final straw was McGinniss quoting Sarah's brother Chuckie telling a friend they don't have a marriage.'

The rumour mill quickly shifted to turbo as US gossip websites linked the incident to reports in the National Enquirer alleging Woods had an affair with a New York nightclub hostess, Rachel Uchitel.

According to the National Enquirer, teen heartthrobs Zac Efron, 21, and Vanessa Hudgens are secretly engaged.

The National Enquirer claims Britney's dad Jamie and boyfriend Jason Trawick are hiding Britney from "the truth" about her tour.

The Giffords have filed a libel suit against the National Enquirer over a story suggesting that Kathie Lee was impregnated by an artificial insemination technique intended to produce a baby girl.

Last week National Enquirer reported that the couple had an explosive argument at a New York restaurant.

The most popular newspaper in America at the time, according to Mitchell Stephens, author of “A History of News”, was New York’s Courier and Enquirer, which sold 4, 500 copies a day.

For some less reputable US papers, most notably the National Enquirer, this has been another sign of a disintegration of the power couple's 22-year-old marriage.


The "National Enquirer" blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization.

According to the National Enquirer, the Swedish ex-model was "shocked" when the "hunky student" kissed her while walking back to her car in the school parking lot.