
The neo-Keynesiano are skeptical of the new claim.

My skeptical explanations were ridiculed as biased and uninformed.

Now, Karen Taylor, the police and law enforcement people are a pretty skeptical bunch.

Some analysts remain skeptical and predict the market will only recover marginally by the middle of next year.

Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University, is also skeptical of the finding, saying that the new big bang model is too simplistic.

She told me she had said no to the boy in question—who was locked up on the other side of the prison—but I was skeptical.

Producers grew skeptical of markets and saw an array of potential plots against them, from consumer taxes on gasoline to efforts to replace oil with natural gas and renewable energy sources.

Of course, some people are skeptical.

Easiest way to ensure someone is skeptical of your reliability?

Now, if the majority of Americans are skeptical of a blanket amnesty, they are also skeptical that it is possible to round up and deport 11 million people.

We are reminded again that we need to be skeptical of what we read in psychology journals.

And facing a skeptical public, the British leader reiterated his contention that fighting in Afghanistan is necessary to keep Britain safe.

If anything, when I see a natural label, it makes me all the more skeptical of the product, as it more often tends to be a sign of cynical marketing than any certifiable purity.

You may be skeptical of this claim, and with good reason.

Hypes make me skeptical and I have been biding my time, waiting for the technology to mature.

Some regional Fed presidents who were skeptical of stimulus have talked about the need to tighten credit, and Bernanke has yet to indicate his preference for the Fed's next move.

They may be apprehensive, nervous, or skeptical about your intentions.

'People are properly skeptical about any proposals out of Washington that speak to cost, because they've been singed by past experience,' he said.


The audience seemed skeptical, even dismissive.

She confesses in her book that she is “not good at enjoying life,” and that she wasn't naturally curious or skeptical like other law students.

He's skeptical of the GSE's number, but the report "can't be ignored."

Gates says senior defense officials believe it is North Korea's "long-term intent" to attach a nuclear warhead on top of a missile, but is skeptical they have the ability to do so.

Naturally, there are plenty who are skeptical of something like this ever working.