in sail造句

To continue moving forward after taking in sail, as when coming about.

The sea culture in Xia and Shang Dynasties presented as hazy sea conscious, sea god worship, sea travel and taking sea as shelter, exploring offshore resources and certain sail ability.

The main sail was blowing and slatting with a noise like thunder.

Snakeskin sail - Catch a breeze with this fancy new sail.

Speed is not an instant success, let the brain sail with the world, let action and time wander in the deeds of the heart, let the beautiful nature renew the turning point of mood, let the piano of missing arouse the pace of excavation.

He only took a crash course in sailing so I don't think he likes to sail too far from the shore.

in sail造句

The storm overtook the sailors before they could take in sail.

A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child's grace, the stary skies, apple trees in spring, the thousand sights and sounds or words that evoke in us the thought of beauty — these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by drought.

Orders are given to take in sail.