
For many urban economic phenomenons, strategic location theory has more powerful ability of theoretic explanation.

At present, the main destruction phenomenons that epoxy mortar used in a large scale include aging, crazing, disengaging etc.

Lawrence named the link he had found as "centennial metamorphic link". Yet phenomenons of this kind are far longer than just a century in human history.

They truly have some phenomenons up front.

But then, how do you explain the phenomenons of Greece four years ago and of Denmark in 1992?

Food refrigeration is regarded as a high energy consuming trade. Under the long period system of state operated enterprise, there are many phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy.

Whoever has two phenomenons in their squad cannot help but be happy.

By the investigation of the building in the mill, the phenomenons of the structure carcks are found visibly, and in the middle of span and edge of the beam are cracked seriously.

"Beckham has been getting more and more coverage in America and it shows that more sports stars and athletes are becoming global phenomenons."


Shaanxi the hint of “1、3 &5”phenomenons;

The most obvious phenomenons are night market and vender culture in city life. It has very close relations to our life.