
We've bought into the same ridiculous delusion.

Republicans, by the way, seem less susceptible to this delusion.

The England football team exemplified this collective delusion, and the country's rampant materialism.

As long as the illusion were perfect-and no Agent Smiths intruded-you could live your life in blissful delusion.

This was interesting because it relates to one of the prevailing theories about what happens to patients with Cotard delusion.

FOR a couple of decades around the middle of the 19th century an extravagant delusion overcame a Russia that was all too ripe for some escapism.

In fact also from a philosophical point of view in this passage, Nietzsche establishes an imposition between the truth of the primordial one and the delusion of the tragic knowledge.

That has proved a delusion.

His arguments sound convincing but they're based on delusion.

He has the tyrant's delusion that "only God", as he puts it, can displace him.

"I will work for three hours" is a delusion; "I will type three double-spaced pages" is a goal.

There is a bit of self - delusion at work, with an under-talented but over-expectant segment asserting that their skills deserve high short-term rewards.

The third and most disturbing delusion is that deeper structural reform is not necessary; everything will be fine if only Greece and other euro-zone laggards cut their budget deficits.

You develop a particular delusion, like it's getting dark.

This explains much of the friction in our lives-love being the delusion that one woman differs from another.

You and I are not the overlord of delusion only hand over days, but only a hand, messy bangs and sight.

No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion.

One man in Australia a couple of years ago was under the delusion that his father was replaced with a robot and cut off his head.


But of course this was a delusion.

Many were under the delusion that their sports, acting, or music talent was their key to success and they did not need an education to fall back on.

The second delusion might be termed excessive faith in shock-and-awe.

I felt keenly for the poor body-starved theory-burdened soul, and though I was under no delusion as to the assistance I got in my Latin, I could not make up my mind to get rid of him.

Tom was under the delusion that he was a VIP.