
Otherwise you will drown in the flood!

The latter drown in their self-made paradoxical logic.

Women often drown their sorrows in a bowl of ice cream after a break up.

At the bottom of each slippery-sided leaf is a pool of water into which unlucky insects fall and drown.

But all that clatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland.

It is widely predicted to be one of the first islands to drown in the rising seas caused by global warming.

"My flower-dappled horse,My furs worth a thousand,Hand them to the Boy to exchange for good wine, And we'll drown away the woes of ten thousand generation!"

More people drown in floods.

And drown your fatigue in their sweet scent.

They may also drown your wife while attempting to steal her away and mate with her.

The bees seek pollen; if they land by mistake in a blossom's pool of nectar, they will probably drown.

Sheep are poor swimmers anyway, but the weight of the water in their wool would cause them to sink and drown.

When you are in the dead of night, you gently hold up these words, those beautiful things will drown you like tide, that is my endless love and yearning for you.

Toss it in water, and it'll eventually drown.

However this doesn't drown the rest of the page, because the colour is consistent and simple in shape.

We now know that, as ice sheets collapsed, sea levels rose 20 metres - enough to drown much of eastern England - in less than 400 years.

Is mite bug insect? Can that drown with water?

In the darker original, the piper leads the children to a river where they all drown (except a lame boy who couldn't keep up).


But four of my friends, they drown.

As the civilian passenger ship keeled over in a matter of minutes, young healthy men scrambled to the lifeboats, leaving women and children to drown.

The swimmer may not be able to escape from the 400 LBS animal and drown.

Therefore, they can hold their breath, so to speak. But if an insect is trapped in water for too long, it will run out of oxygen and eventually drown.

You can use water to drown a child or quench his thirst.