
Industry groups have also expanded their lobbying efforts.

A node can only be expanded if it has children and its navigational state is set to expanded.

As the universe expanded and cooled, some of these particles merged to form neutrons and protons.

Social inequities of the past are rapidly giving way to expanded social consciousness.

That makes it imperative for the UN to provide both transport and attack helicopters for its expanded force.

These expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors rely on the bacteria staying in the tank But high-solid waste would push them out.

The expanded programme on immunization, a legacy of smallpox eradication, was a success story, but coverage had reached a stubborn plateau.

In Britain pleasure piers grew from every nook of the coast just as the Empire expanded, and the blare of military bands along their decks echoed the triumphal march of colonisers overseas.

"With the explorations by Samuel de Champlain, Jacques Marquette, La Salle, Louis Jolliet, and others, the Boundaries of New France expanded Beyond the lower St. Lawrence River to include the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley."


With expanded wings, the hawk soared above us.

This view could even be expanded to multiple enterprises.

The disease surveillance system will be expanded to all affected areas.

As the universe expanded, the radiation would have cooled until it is just the remnant we see today.

Trains are sardine-packed with thousands of snoozing students, reflecting education reforms that have greatly expanded the number of university places over the past decade.

The fields of cooperation are expanded and the level of cooperation is raised prominently. The investment facilitation measures are strengthened and the establishment of Free Trade Area is promoted.

Through this, she expanded her operations significantly.

If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.

President Bush Friday ordered expanded U.S. sanctions against what he termed the "illegitimate" government of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.

Both sides have witnessed increasingly active exchanges at all level, steadily expanded cooperation areas, richer connotation of bilateral relations and deepened traditional friendship.

"The Yeomans Brothers began operation on the near north side of Chicago in 1898. They specialized in the first vertical shaft Bilge pump, and later expanded by adding a growing line of sewage pumps for the waste treatment and process markets."

In 2001, the project expanded to 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).

Undeterred, Blenkin pushed on and expanded his list to the next most likely group of people to be wearing white overalls - members of the officer corps.

The entire fairground, including expanded exhibition areas is fully booked.

At the right distance, they would be in a newly expanded habitable zone around the swelled-up star.

The following specifications pertain to the complete expanded system.

At the same time the colleges are facing higher pay-outs of financial aid to students, partly because many expanded these programmes during the boom endowment year of 2007.

The designation of buffer pool sizes is dependent upon the amount of storage (both central and expanded) that is available.

As London expanded westward from the City and northward from Whitehall, the aristocratic estates of west London were speculatively developed into the set of Georgian streets and squares that characterize much of the so-called West End.