
Fireworks over Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, mimic a sea urchin.

The grains here are tiny fragments of a baby sea urchin shell.

An observing urchin and a rogue, he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris.

The spines of a fire urchin form a multicolored flower off Komodo Island, Indonesia. The blue swellings on the tip of each spine are filled with venom.

Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines. But their mouths may be even more daunting-urchin teeth can literally chew through stone without getting dull.


The photo shows the scene of harvesting sea urchin.

I've started to get into maritime stuff, hence these urchin tea candles.

The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous. Sea otters are the major predators of sea urchins.

At my sister's house this afternoon we were helping her teenaged daughters get ready for their Victorian London party: one a foxy chimney sweep, the other a street urchin.

The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous.

It’s crudités a different way. A dish of shrimp and sea urchin powder, meanwhile, is arranged as a beachscape with scattered stones and tufts of grass.

D., Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.

She is investigating the effects of changing acidity and temperature in the sea on a creature called the purple sea urchin.

Several decades ago, when I was just a countryside urchin raising cattle and sheep, I began my reading life.

You should sheer off the urchin.

Make painstaking efforts, feeding urchin, peach and plum sky hair white, to students of Shane, wish the teacher later kang.