
You have a choice of a tandem if you want to ride together.

Finally, I animate the image by updating it in tandem with the tick of the CA clock.

The idea is for a "duet system," where a video expert teaches in tandem with the classroom's own teacher.

It has proven difficult to rearm the metal plates from batteries fast enough to zap the second charge of a tandem warhead.

Buy an amusing piece of costume jewellery or a cocktail ring for the surprise announcement (" a ring from a cracker will do, "says Geddes) but then work on the main event in tandem.

I've never ridden a tandem bicycle before.

The probe is actually a pair of orbiters that will orbit in tandem but never touch.

But in reality, consumer prices in countries with booming asset markets do not usually fall while asset prices rise; both usually rise in tandem.

So multifunctional as to be capable of slotting into just about any midfield or attacking job, Iniesta is the creative counterpart to Xavi's pragmatism in Barcelona's and Spain's golden tandem.


Many installations use a tandem combination of two valves.

Their synchronized waddle could have caused the bridge to oscillate, leading even more of them to tread in tandem.

"The most important discovery today is two four-horse chariots that are standing in tandem very closely, " said Cao Wei, deputy curator of the Qinshihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum.

You can also use it in tandem with other typical Asian flavors like ginger, scallions, and soy sauce.

Second, you have ensured that ministers of the environment work in tandem with ministers of health, as articulated in the Libreville Declaration on Health and the Environment in Africa.

With Germany currently playing with a lone striker, Low has not ruled out the possibility of using both forwards in tandem.

And for that romantic stroll in the rain, there's even a tandem umbrella.

Everybody knows Darwin and Lincoln were near-mythic figures in the 19th century. But who ever thinks of them in tandem?