
These additional characters, also called supplementary characters, can be represented in UTF-8 using 4 bytes.

There are a lot of characters wrongly written.

This means no restraint of password length or repeating characters.

The shape formation of the Chinese characters is the important part of the study of Chinese characters and it is also the important part of sculpt art research.

Presuppose everyone else is a part of you, just like one of your own dream characters.

With a VARCHAR, the number of characters can vary, and no extra padding is performed.

These scenes where the characters actually are running for their lives are terrifying. How did you create them?

According to the working characters of retaining piles for deep excavation, the arching effect in adjoining soil is analyzed.

Developing an idea is a time for free creative expression, when ideas and characters come to life and a chance for others to share in the creative vision.

Like Japanese kabuki theatre, in which characters use exaggerated gestures to energise the audience, the country's statistics unrealistically magnify both good news and bad.

Therefore,a correct realization of these dual characters will offer valuable experience and lesson for the Party to make policies that concern major contradiction and major task and suit China's real condition.

Distinctions are made between entirely unrelated characters such as 泽 (marsh)and 机 (machine) as well as extensions or borrowings beyond the original semantic cluster such as 机1 (a phonetic borrowing used as a simplified form of 机) and 机2 (table, the original meaning).

Pay attention to punctuation and foreign characters.

There was an inscription in Chinese characters over the arch.

There are two basic approaches to validation: disallow troublesome characters or only allow a small number of required characters.

Starting at the current document offset, we read document characters backwards.

For our example, item_id is a char column that stores only numeric characters, as we indicate in the following statement.

Here are a few steps to show you how to incorporate that code — called subtext — into your characters' dialogue.

In the late 1990s HBO pioneered an intelligent, patient style of storytelling that gloried in loose ends and morally ambiguous characters, a style "the Sopranos" came to epitomise.

I like to think that it is a conscious policy by a wise political leader who realizes that the main characters in our collective memory of that dark day should be the victims, not the murderer.

In order to cater for the inner desires to form the creative mode of thinking and to cultivate the mind, it is necessary for the students of art designing to learn how to design the basic writing forms of the Chinese characters and to keep practicing it.

The characters in this story are all fictitious.

This paper talks about the unify of combination of form and meaning of formation of pictophmetic characters in aspect of relationship between meaning and symbol of pictophmetic characters.

The asterisk matches zero or more characters delimited by a dot character.

Over enough time, this differential transmission of characters will lead to the formation of a new species.

I happen to know these details because last week I stumbled upon exec Tweets, a collection of about 100 executives who like to express themselves in chunks of up to 140 characters on Twitter.

On this basis, the basic characters of the musical performing art to create splendid works should be completely understood, and the process of marketing should be followed to promote by varied ways in the public in order to achieve both social and commercial benefits.

Therefore, it is important to note that individual situations may warrant including additional characters in the list of special characters.

This example relies on mapping infrequently used characters such as a left angled quote («, often coded as «) and assumes that such characters do not appear in the resulting sequence otherwise.

Whether we accept Ms Mantel's reading of history or not, her characters have a lifeblood of their own, particularly the urbane Cardinal Wolsey.


Google's shortener, , is 5 characters.

There have been few movies so beautifully woven, few characters like Leon, played by Jean Reno.

Its characters include Lady Goo Goo, a sunglasses-wearing blonde baby who appears in "The Moshi Dance, " a video that became an online hit after it was posted on YouTube in June.

This encoding scheme can represent 65000 + characters which cover most of the characters of the most important languages of the world.

A variety of books were offered, ranging from those about celebrities like Britney Spears and "the Rock" to stories of fictional characters like the spunky troublemaker Junie B. Jones.

Women, some carrying crying children, form a long queue in the clinic's brightly-coloured corridor adorned with posters of babies and cartoon characters.

This expression also removes all null characters and excess whitespace.

Substitution characters can be introduced at this point as well, if the serialized XML contains characters not representable in the database code page, or not representable in the client code page.