
To say a visit it is worth a detour is an understatement.

While it making the detour, we will be able to prevent it from happing by adopting certain managing measures.

WSDOT and an emergency contractor worked 14 hours a day, seven days a week to construct a new river channel and detour.

It was a necessary detour that expanded his emotional palette; a bloodletting after a harsh breakup and the passing of his mother that manifests itself in Twisted Fantasy's harshest lows.

A "long detour" through a secondary product.

Chueh-hui hesitated, then made a detour around his brother Chueh-hsin's quarters and entered the large garden.

Loved, too, seeing a large "V" of ducks taking a sudden detour for a feed in a newly harvest wheat field.

In the Kutch region ofGujarat, construction of a coal-fired power plant forces Sangbhai andhis buffalo to detour down paved roads and past boundary walls to findwhat grazing land remains.

Early humans may have taken a detour into Eurasia before embarking on their epic journey out of Africa, according to new fossil evidence.

Christmas Island has erected some "crab crossings" : walls or plastic fencing along roads that detour the crab swarms away from traffic, according to the Christmas Island National Park website.

"When people take a career detour, they sometimes earn less money, lose touch with their colleagues, and their skills atrophy," Marx says.

A flight from east Africa to west Africa typically used to require a tedious detour via Paris or London.

One is the irregular capital can neither flows in nor can precede without make a detour because China's current foreign exchange management system remains the system on managing capital account.


On the way you decide to take a detour to say hi to a friend.