
Of all your sisters, I love you best.

Then the sisters began to ponder: where would the little girl sit on the family tree?

The Women's Singles final will be also held tomorrow. The top two seeds, the Williams sisters from the United States, will fight for the championship. Of the past three Grand Slam finals, two were held between these two sisters.

The twin sisters were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They are always dressed similarly.

These sibling relationships have turned out to be even stronger than I expected, with Tom and Mia adoring their older brother and sisters.

They are calling any church in Gainesville, and saying what can we do to stop this act and live together more peaceably as brothers and sisters, "he said."

Shayne is the youngest son of a very large family and is also a twin! He has3 brothers, Mark29, Martin28 and Michael27, and3 sisters, Lisa24, his twin Emma20 and Leona16.

Neither of my sisters drinks coffee.

He never referred to his sisters in his letters.

She is seeking to prosecute both her kidnappers and the police, despite threats against her and her younger sisters.

The adjective werde “controlling one's fate” would have probably been lost if Shakespeare had not used it in Macbeth (weird sisters).

While we discussed our exotic new family constellations (I have six brothers, three sisters - two real, four half, three step), they were rather left out and would stutter: "Mine are still together."

The boy turned out to be a good-natured child who, with the increasing absence of his father and brothers, was treated with the utmost indulgence by his mother and sisters.

His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will.

Hours later he gathered his brothers and sisters in the living room and talked bluntly about the future.

It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters.

The heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic-stricken sheep.

He stated that the charity was actually initiated by two sisters named Preston and that the effigy on the cake was that of two poor widows.


She will revenge her dead sisters.

By now, my sisters have joined me at one end of the table where we pass the apple butter to each other to slather on the warm bread.

It would account for the same woman or sisters giving birth to the children as a result of the brothel.

"Little Raphael," as her sisters called her, had a decided talent for drawing, and was never so happy as when copying flowers, designing fairies, or illustrating stories with queer specimens of art.

She grew up amidst a lively brood of brothers and sisters.