
Nor assume that they have any familiarity with your website.

Time passed — and the epithet ceased to be sensed — again because of its familiarity.

We don't like change and we will always gravitate towards what is familiar because familiarity keeps us feeling safe.

The familiarity of faceted navigation, as well as its ease of use by untrained searchers, are significant advantages.

Dig into periods of time or age, geographical location, ethnicity and urban versus rural areas and you will find a separation in cooking familiarity and perhaps skill.

I believe I remember it this way because it wasn't until then, until this small intimate gesture, this gesture of familiarity and of safety, that I realised where I'd led us.

Even more important, however, is familiarity of the text.

This type of familiarity allows business policy makers to work in close conjunction with it.

It's not the same director, but the same sound department, the set guys, whatever, so that I have a little bit of familiarity and feel somewhat relaxed.

An in-depth understanding of the geisha system will help to reveal the audacity of Gion Festival Music, just as a familiarity with Japanese paintings will shed light on the style of Sansho Dayu.

From familiarity to strangeness is the furthest distance between two people.

That is, rely on the popularity and familiarity of installed VNC clients, but feed them from a customized VNC server.

Because of familiarity.

The cost of it may fall, but probably not by much, given the familiarity of the technologies it USES.


That's why practice and familiarity can help.

What is obvious to you, the writer of the guide, may be obvious only out of familiarity - no doubt you've spent hours with the application, studying out every menu and function.

The lesson here is that familiarity breeds slackness, and regular challenges encourage mindfulness and attention.

The wider her range of familiarity with different looking males, the more discriminating a female is, and thus more likely to devour a male who looks unfamiliar.