
Their mentor is a shrill crusader for lower taxes. Dr Rösler is more upbeat and inclusive.

We have clearly not been able to use urbanization as part of an inclusive and healthy economic growth strategy.

In situations of violence and fragility, deliberate efforts are needed to Build political coalitions that are "inclusive enough" to generate broad national support for change.

We meet at an extraordinarily difficult time - a time of uncertainty and insecurity, with a danger that those fears push us away from - not towards - a more inclusive and sustainable globalization.

We reiterate that such cooperation is inclusive and non-confrontational.

She gave her father, and incidentally Cowperwood, a gleaming, radiant, inclusive smile.

Before these meetings I outlined priorities that I believe can help meet immediate needs while also paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable globalization.

The left may have faith in the findings of think tanks, the right in the freedom of markets, but on this one, I want a more inclusive, expansive debate.

I encourage them to continue promoting the inclusive spirit and dialogue necessary for healing, reconciliation and reconstruction.

Potentially I could be so inclusive as to make the es Server the Repository, or I could localize the connector down to the taxonomy level, so that all folders would be categories.

We stand firmly together to strengthen the rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO.

But all of you insisted on an inclusive process driven by Member States.

This is an ambitious book, offering an analysis of the failures of academic economics and a call for a more inclusive, less materialistic society.


The more inclusive the process, the likelier that the results will not be contested.