
The first, or front, line of trenches was known as the outpost line and was thinly held by scattered machine gunners distriButed behind dense entanglements of barbed wire.

There are a lot of things in the world that don't deserve our thoughts and worries and worries, so don't get into the endless entanglements and indignation of those insignificant and insignificant things. After all, they are slight and unworthy in our future life.

Standing on a bustling Seattle sidewalk during my lunch hour, I sorted through ridiculous, painful legal entanglements hissing into my cellphone.


Such probes, whether into foreign entanglements or agricultural blight, tend not to blame anybody very much.

When you focus on lighting the light of another lamp, the pure heart is unwittingly, put down too many worldly entanglements, in front of the front, only wish to be in the Buddha's predestined relationship, for the afterlife for the blessing of the cause and effect.

Mr Daschle’s innumerable entanglements with those groups might have helped to assuage their worries.