
The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction.

Around 15% of mammal species and 11% of bird species are classified as threatened with extinction.

Invasive species can decrease biodiversity and drive resident species to the brink of extinction.

But we have now far exceeded earth's carrying capacity which is why we're in the middle of this major extinction.

The theory is the brainchild of Professor Bill Napier, from Cardiff University, who says it explains the mysterious period of extinction around 11, 000 BC.

Efforts over the past decade to save British mammals from extinction have failed to halt population declines in red squirrels, hedgehogs, harvest mice and Scottish wildcats.

The WWF (formerly the World Wide Fund for Nature) says it is optimistic about the summit's chances of success, but warns that failure will lead to the extinction of the tiger across much of Asia.

But inattention equals extinction.

"Test method for extinction ratio of LN, KDP and KDP electrooptic crystal"

This perhaps is the greatest travesty of all, as the physical became so destructive that it went into extinction patterning.

Suspicion flamed up into conviction, now, and the town's pride in the purity of its one undiscredited important citizen began to dim down and flicker toward extinction.

As a result, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimates that as many as a third of all shark species are threatened or near threatened with extinction, including the great white.

Thus the near extinction of sea otters in the northern Pacific led to a proliferation of sea urchins, which then laid waste an entire kelp forest that had hitherto sustained its own ecosystem.

Once forest cover does start increasing, the rate of extinction should dwindle.

Themongoose has so far caused the extinction of 12 reptile and amphibianspecies from Puerto Rico, the West Indies and Jamaica.

He made many good suggestions, but they were not adopted by the monarch. Finally, his state perished. Reluctant to see the extinction of his state, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river.

The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.

The WWF report cited the likely local extinction of the Javan rhino in Vietnam as one tragic indicator of the decline of biodiversity in recent times.


Animals on the verge of extinction can be rescued.

Masayuki Komatsu, who once described Minke whales as "the cockroaches of the ocean, " said the Japanese were eating tuna into extinction.

The real extinction problem, he says, is human population pressure: habitat destruction, pesticide abuse, overharvesting, and species invasion.

As an individual, Lincoln hated slavery. As a Republican, he wished to exclude it from the territories as the first step to putting the institution “in the course of ultimate extinction.

Many have been driven to extinction, and many more now teeter on the brink.