
Mary took his book to hear him recite,

We would recite a wonderful chant before heading out that I use to this day.

Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way through the fog:

Don't think literature is Greek to that famous mathematician. He can recite Shelly's Ode to the West Wind. He even once had his own collection of poems published.

I may not recite the whole text, but I will read every line at least once and try to remember them by heart. And for unfamiliar words, I will simply read more times.


Blah, blah... See, I can even recite it.

Then standing up to recite the poem, I found myself doing it off the top of my head!

I could recite you the whole of Thucydides, Xenophon, Plutarch, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Strada, Jornandès, Dante, Montaigne, Shakspeare, Spinoza, Machiavelli, and Bossuet.

I've known people who can recite the batting averages of their favorite baseball players for every year of their careers, but can't remember where the book of Genesis is in the Bible.

His Holiness gave the oral transmission in order to recite the six syllable mantra.

Retail clerks memorize 11-digit mobile phone numbers in a flash and can recite orders faultlessly; perhaps they play the piano quite well, too.

He could recite the prose chapter and verse.

Children no longer recite Christian prayers in public schools, but parents are free to educate their offspring in private schools sponsored by religious groups.

Then deliver it while your kid is screaming in the background, to develop the confidence that you can recite it no matter what distraction pops up.

He can recite the poem fluently.

He had just gained an entrance into English literature, and would recite Hamlet's soliloquy with great gusto.