
Hormones and nutritional factor can regulate peroxisome proliferation response.

You say, "Why shouldn't I fear the proliferation of meaning?"

This results in redundant and often stale data, password proliferation, and greater help desk costs.

Other environmental changes are likely to alter the ratio between proliferation and differentiation of cells.

“Brand proliferation is not a novelty, and it is profitable if you execute it well,” he says.

While strengthening international non-proliferation efforts, we shall not neglect the importance of advancing arms control and disarmament process, in particular nuclear disarmament.

First, we have put in place an interagency contingency mechanism on nonproliferation with a view to dealing with emergent isolated proliferation cases expeditiously and effectively.

But although the disposal of waste and the proliferation of nuclear weapons are profoundly important issues, the most severe problem may be the high and unpredictable cost of nuclear plants.

They always talk about proliferation.

We support safeguarding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and solving relevant non-proliferation issues peacefully through negotiation.

One way this will show up is in a proliferation of places like Le Amor.

The NATO-Russia Council was established; cooperation on nuclear weapons disarmament and non-proliferation was put in place.

Yet increasingly, the defense industry faces the proliferation of foreign-made and counterfeit parts, outdated technology, and a depleted manufacturing workforce.

CIOs who try to ban the use of personal technology at work risk a proliferation of "shadow it", which arises when employees surreptitiously use their own devices and software to get things done.


You know the meaning of proliferation?

What they aregenuinely fearful of is the proliferation of heavily armed “patriot” andmilitia groups.

In this multipolar world, many issues such as nuclear proliferation, energy and climate change require a concert approach.

Working on conflict reduction and confidence building within their regions, as well as promoting stronger and more reliable institutions in all states, proven keys to reduce risks of proliferation.

massive proliferation and promiscuous consumption of Cloud services. Innovation.

But if muddle and jealousy win out, nuclear proliferation, not restraint, will be the norm-to enduring regret all round.

Thus the near extinction of sea otters in the northern Pacific led to a proliferation of sea urchins, which then laid waste an entire kelp forest that had hitherto sustained its own ecosystem.

Clear legal frameworks could also help avoid the proliferation of software licenses, they said.

A: To uphold the international non-proliferation regime on the Iranian nuclear issue serve the interest of China and of other countries in the world. China has a firm position on this issue.

He argues that America needs to work with other countries to build a strong economy and cope with the environment and terrorism, including nuclear proliferation.

They pioneered the idea of lightweight 3d format's proliferation.

As we advance this agenda, we can reduce the size and scope of the proliferation threat to our nation, our children, and future generations.