
He felt no animosity towards his critics.

Zhao Xinmei's hung Chien, though jealous, had no animosity.

There is great animosity between the two classes.

The people of this country are full of animosity to the invaders.

Chingachgook arose, and for a single instant the ancient animosity of tribes was forgotten in a feeling of color.

Nowadays there are some issues disturbing the constructing of the harmonious society, which include the animosity to wealth and the rich man's mental puzzle to wealth.

We must ensure that India and China cooperate in creating a world of positive externalities and mutual prosperity, rather than one based on balance of power calculations and animosity.

Wordless animosity;wordless joy.

proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity.

There are fears that the series could rekindle animosity between the two countries.

With both sides blaming each other for the animosity, it is often difficult to untangle the truth.

Their supporters aimed to stir up tribal animosity against the court—in vain, since ordinary Kenyans still seem to back it.

Despite his arrest in Malaysiaback in 2004, his alleged torture by the CIA and his dispatch to a Libyan prison, he now categorically denies having any ties to al-Qaeda or animosity to the West.

As for Pakistan, relations are defined by their animosity.

Then all the negativity feeds on each other and the animosity grows.

But the animosity is doing added damage to an airline already beset by negatives-from volcanic ash, to dwindling long-haul travel and looming tax increases.

She felt a burning animosity towards them.

Rarely can there have been a more striking example of personal animosity fatally over-riding rational calculation.


To trade animosity and woe

"I think there was sometimes a little bit of animosity of people who weren't in sales towards those who were working 9-5," says a source.

Because of animosity in wartime toward anything German, England renamed the breed Alsatian.

The meeting occurred against a backdrop of a worsening conflict in Iraq and deepening animosity between Iran and the United States — each accuses the other of contributing to Iraq's instability.

The main animosity will be between America and China.