
Luke has a very excitable nature.

In 2007 Mr Brown was goaded on by excitable young advisers.

There's a hectic, impatient, excitable vibe in the air as everyone wants to get their two cents in

This is an interesting world summit alright but perhaps for more reasons than the excitable and breathless media coverage may appreciate.

People who like a lot of 'Charlie' are often nervy, excitable and can get paranoid. If you're not sleeping well because of this drug, you can also feel very confused.

Beside them, excitable young men peddle DVDs and designer sunglasses.

Objective: To define the distribution and excitable effects of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rat hippocampal cells cultured in vitro.

This paper offers an exposition of progress in nonlinear wave dynamics in excitable media, illustrated by applications from ventricular fibrillation, chemical vortex and spreading depression.


Exclamation % point (!) : You are excitable and anxious.

The more up and down a voice goes in conversation, the more likely it is to be perceived as "excitable", feminine and gay in men.

Many actors have excitable temperament.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note is rising as easily excitable investors realize that a 2.5% yield isn't all that exciting.

He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.

Cue some excitable talk in Downing Street of a new Franco-British motor to propel the European agenda-starting under the French presidency of the European Union in the second half of this year.

The most excitable bears are not so much polar as bipolar.