
The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the custom .

From time to time, Putin likes to use a dirty word or utter an obscene threat.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, But public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Committing lewd, indecent or obscene ACTS in public aboard an aircraft will land this one in handcuffs, so you need to remove the threat.

The obscene words in the television programmes were bleeped out.

Though each country's plan differs, they all have similar focus: curbing access to obscene content.

But it's obscene to boast about a splashy wedding at a time when hundreds of thousands of people will be losing their jobs thanks to Tory cuts.

So in some parts of the country, one kind of activity or production or work of art is called obscene, and people can be put in prison for it.

He has also created a blog under her name and has left obscene messages on her own website.

We're spending obscene amounts on food we don't need at a time when so many others are genuinely struggling to pay for enough basic sustenance to get them through the day.

More than 30 categories of books were ruled as obscene publications, six publishing houses were ordered to suspend operations for rectification.

"Get off my phone," he yelled, calling her an obscene name.

But in a free market, goods and services are determined by customer demand, and demand for obscene material as defined by the existing legislation is virtually nonexistent.


The obscene part of the film should be censored.