
The transnational corporation is out to capture the European market.

The Global Tamil Forum, one of several new outfits, says it is planning elections for a “transnational government” in April.

An end to the policy of global collusion in the operation of tax havens that allow rich individuals and transnational corporations to avoid fair taxation.

You know, music is transnational.

I can understand that the branches of a transnational corporation should be independent in their financing and accounting.

Such levels of erosion shake the foundations of sensible land stewardship and exert downstream, transnational consequences on the poorer nations of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

The business scope for investment companies set up by transnational corporations will be enlarged;

President Barack Obama says he and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made progress in talks on climate change, and will work together to fight terrorism and other transnational threats.

And the nature of the challenges we're facing are not only bilateral and multilateral, but they are transnational.


Nokia is a famous transnational corporation.

No member is prepared to cede its national sovereignty, even on an issue as patently transnational as the Mekong.