
I was told the Center had closed — and, momentarily, I felt immeasurably relieved.

This injury happens when a player changes direction suddenly and a foot gets lodged momentarily in the turf.

Skywalker was able to momentarily calm the reek, and used the massive horned creature as a mount while chaos reigned within the arena.

In the heat of the trading day, it's very easy to feel pressured to reallocate assets, either to jump on momentarily hot trend or dump existing holdings.

The trouble in Paris came a day after the torch made a difficult journey through a snowy London, where a protester managed to break through security and momentarily grip the torch.

The scenery embody momentarily at kangaroo, at the crewman of notes in his disinclination;

Unexpected emergencies can momentarily shut down operations, or even worse, put you out of business for weeks and force your customers to go elsewhere — and stay there.

Paul Ekman has also identified 'micro-expressions' as very brief flashes that betray inner feelings, such as when the corners of the mouth momentarily turn down in showing disgust.


You'll better understand the rationale behind this approach momentarily.

Certain events and possessions like an unexpected windfall might raise or lower our happiness momentarily but soon we return to our inner baseline.

You'll see an example momentarily.

He brightened momentarily as he listened and then repeated aloud what he was being told: Muhannad had been interviewed on Libyan state television.

Copilot Snoddy came back momentarily to the rear of the aircraft to make sure Downey and Fecteau were ready.

The symphony of the streets-jarring jackhammers, bleating beeping of car horns and rumblings of subway cars beneath the sidewalk-was momentarily muted when the earth hiccuped on Tuesday afternoon.

Yet heaven help anyone, car driver or pedestrian, who strays even momentarily into a cycle lane.