
When you stand up tall and straight, you send a message of self-assurance, authority and energy.

Mourinho, with his arrogance and his self-assurance and his incendiary temperament, was very much the new face of English football.

The self-assurance of migrant workers cooling off on a bridge reflects their rising status.

Wedded to the inconclusive strategy-or perhaps engaged in an inherently unwinnable conflict-they lost their self-assurance and sense of direction.


Maybe if I feel more confident inside, that self-assurance will flow outward and infect the people around me.

OED wears its status with a magisterial self-assurance, not least by giving its half million definitions a robustly Victorian certitude of tone. 《牛津英语词典》以一种威严的自信来显示它的重要地位,以维多利亚时代那种坚决肯定的语气来定义五十万个词语,尤其体现这种自信。

Morocco had been for the past century at the intersection of the grand strategies of others, forcing its rulers to navigate by skill, shrewdness, and self-assurance.

A Chicagoan with the mischievous self-assurance of a renegade salesman-he can seem solicitous and scornful at once-he does appearances on "Rachael Ray" and meetings with the suits at I.A.C..