
Life is too short to turn every personal affront into a battle.

His contentment would be short-lived. France was bankrupt, and its monarchy an affront to the Enlightenment.

Smokers are an affront to this fantasy, and that is why no condemnation is strong enough for their presumption.

The government has also hotly reBuffed requests by foreign governments, including America’s, to allow international observers, calling them an affront to national sovereignty.

The likely appointment of "Prince Jean" to a job that his father once held has been the source of widespread anger and ridicule by those who see it as an affront to France's egalitarian values.


She did not dare affront him, for she understood the pride of artists.

It is an affront to the armies of traders, brokers and fund managers who require high costs for their livelihood.

But if American parents did this, it would be seen as shortsighted and an affront to the dignity of their children.

He attached no definite meaning to the word that I am aware of, but used it, like his own pretended Christian name, to affront mankind, and convey an idea of something savagely damaging.

This will result in a waste of resources and could even affront the very individuals we are working to support.

If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner.

Lack of sanitation is a serious health risk and an affront to human dignity.

Their talks fell through last year when MTN’s board argued that it should buy Bharti, not the other way around—a reversal which Sunil Mittal of Bharti condemned as an affront to the “pride of India”.

The RUF specialised in cutting off the hands of their opponents for what they regarded as the smallest affront, such as voting the wrong way in an election.

He was not a man to sit down with affront.

Underlined is: “Each and every irksome Jew is a serious affront to the authenticity and veracity of our German identity.”