
These intrepid promoters treat books as markers of identity and as culturalartifacts of great import.

For the scope of this article, we will be ignoring model persistence and markers.

It lets you instantly see any errors, warnings, or other markers that require your attention in the editor.

And molecular markers show that the five true fingers develop together in a mole embryo, with the outsized sesamoid cropping up later.

Evidence of a distinct trance unique to hypnosis would require physiological markers of subjects' responses to Suggestions to enter a trance.

Teddy bears, colored markers, baseball gloves and tennis shoes have been dusted of the debris, though they all bear the stains of the muddy water that claimed their young owners.

It will display and hide markers as necessary, as well as "cluster" markers at higher zoom levels, in effect reducing strain on the user's system.

As the name suggests, it draws a line between the two airport markers if they both exist.

In addition, be sure to provide markers, such as back buttons, that users can use to find out where they are and how to retrace their steps.

Conclusions the severity of symptoms was not an important determinant of the prognostic effects of CRT in patients with moderate or severe LVSD and markers of dyssynchrony in the CARE-HF study.

Added scrolling markers to Crafting menu subcategory group to hint that you can scroll through them.

Additional information can be conveyed by the relative sizes of the markers, making it easy to discern relationships between locations without clutter.

Those markers include inflammation, insulin resistance and oxygen free radicals.

As you might imagine, we need to use parameter markers and escape characters when incorporating this query into an application.


There are no monuments or markers recalling the events that decimated Changchun's populace.

So these results suggest that there may be very early markers of a depressed brain that can be picked up in kids as early as age 4 or 5 and may open the door to much earlier intervention.

Linguists regard transitions from irregular to regular verb forms as key markers of grammatical change.

Using radiopaque fiducial markers embeded in occlusal splint('occlusal splint method') to measure setup error in conformal radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma and examining its feasibility and reliability.