
When we face stagnation in life, it’s a sign of deeper issues.

If growth of this kind does not make people happy, stagnation will hardly do the trick.

As growth rates slow, the failure to cut out bad policies will mean continued stagnation or declines in living standards for some.

The continent has just experienced a decade of rapid economic growth -a stark contrast to the stagnation and reversals of previous years.

Hence its mixed results and recent stagnation.

Is there anything that could protect us from the dangers of stagnation or a double dip?

This is due to a stagnation of blood in the veins caused by prolonged immobility, which can promote blood clot formation in veins.

Either Mr Obama can offer a convincing story of how he will extricate America from the spectre of prolonged economic stagnation - as opposed to the palliatives he is now proposing.

The same stagnation and sense of helplessness is evident elsewhere in Sudan.

In recent years the stagnation of real wages in America has been masked by surging house prices, which make families feel better off.

Moving feet in this manner encourages blood flow in the calf muscle veins, thus reducing blood stagnation.

Most troubling, he adds, is Latin America's stagnation in education, science, and technology.

After so many years of deterioration and stagnation in the malaria situation, countries and their development partners are now on the offensive.


Life is expression, and repression is stagnation — death.