
There real value-added rose only sluggishly, but employment expanded significantly.

Chelsea began sluggishly, unable to pass the ball with any fluidity as they were stifled by United's five-man midfield.

She is seated against a front window of the terminal, taxis and private cars moving sluggishly beyond her in the gathering darkness: she seems engrossed in a book.

The river is silted up and the water flows sluggishly.

Developed economies' imports are expected to recover sluggishly amid slow recovery in consumption and capacity utilization.

Approached with amusement or anguish, moving swiftly or sluggishly trundling along, there are no two paths alike, and you cannot even begin to imagine what a team's path might look like in the end.

Because of the lack of support for scientific research, Chinese medicines inch forward sluggishly.

Perhaps there are so much wailing wind and noisy weeping rain in the world that I have tender feelings trickling sluggishly from the very heart of the earth calmly.

I'm a lazy person and do things sluggishly. Hence I am tardy for not only your class, but also other ones.


Wages, a good gauge of Labour demand, are growing sluggishly.

And the economy appears to have begun the year sluggishly (although bad weather has made it harder than usual to tell).