
My glasses have fogged up in this steamy room.

Write "I love you" on the steamy mirror while your beloved is in the shower.

Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.

When the person chooses to you on the neck, it is a subtle expression that the person wants to have some steamy action to take place.

Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

Its past maybe a steamy affair, but Playboy's Rabbit logo, stamped on anything from necklaces to notebooks, is ensuring the firm's image in Asia is more about trend than titillation.

Avoid hot tubs and steamy baths.

On one steamy afternoon they were taking refuge in a cellphone service center.

The team has also had to deal with the hot and steamy weather of Shenzhen while practicing their routine.

"Need a tailor?", see stores jam-packed with shoppers, and breathe in the enticing smells of steamy noodle shops that remain open late every night.

And while arguments and fights may be a part and parcel of each and every relationship, there's no better way of making-up than with a hot and steamy romp between the sheets.

They are waiting for their lunch in some steamy haus.

Last month an Indian couple was sentenced to three months in jail for exchanging steamy text messages.

Gentlemen Prefer Blonds: Phillippe had a million hearts hammering when he took a steamy shower and flounced around in a wife-beater for slasher flick I Know What You Did Last Summer back in 1997.

"What a pity," said Slote, glancing down at the steamy pungent-smelling brown mass.

The drama includes some steamy love scenes between Pattinson and De Ravin, including one where they enjoy a clinch in the shower.

Though the water was hot and the bathroom steamy, she suddenly felt chilled.


That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes.

Yet their summers more likely involve city recreation centers, steamy blacktop, or a splash in a public pool or a fire hydrant turned fountain.

But such steamy moments - which usually happen when lenses are colder or warmer than the air around them - could be wiped out with the invention of non-fogging glasses.