
The existing Basel 2 rules proved to be too lenient.

Among mountains of tribulation, nature, embraced Rousseau with her lenient heart.

Most of the others appealed against their life prison sentences with death, hoping for more lenient ones.

Yet, as a recent report by Amnesty International catalogued, police, prosecutors and courts remain too slow to recognise racist crimes and too lenient in their punishment.

But he is sometimes too lenient.

But the rules may now be too lenient.

Nothing more is heard of her except a brief word by Dickens that her sentence had been lenient, and that "her history and conduct proved it right".

Firms that swiftly uncover and put a stop to wrongdoing might also get more lenient treatment from regulators if, say, their employees are found to have broken antitrust rules.

This lenient process, known as the 510 (k) programme, has led to some problems.

In exchange for more lenient sentencing Duval Barbosa, an aide to Mr Arruda, allowed himself to star in 30 videos in which he handed over cash to Allies in the state legislature.

If some bonds offer stronger creditor protection against default, should they receive more lenient treatment?

Do they tend to be overly harsh, lenient or fair?

Tabloid newspapers such as the Sun and the Daily Mail hound judges who pass, or even seek to justify, lenient sentences.


You should be lenient with them.