
A plant grew in a rocky cranny.

Every nook and cranny of this place bring back memory

Boxes are stacked in every nook and cranny at the factory.

Tangshan city is the typical karst-cranny developing area in Huabei region which is shallowly covered up.

Affected by the backfilling, the tangential stress of shotcrete has a tendency is for pressure stress to be tensile stress; it is dangerous to induce the axial cranny.

Even the story levels in Lego Harry Potter feel like chaotic playgrounds with hidden treats tucked into their every nook and cranny.

The dilapidation phenomena is related closely to the lithology,stratum,occurrence,struture,cleavage and cranny,as well as the neotectonic movement and land feature and landform conditions and so on.


look in every nook and cranny [corner]

The modified tensile stress crack propagation criterion and influence of cranny hydraulic pressure on crack propagation

I can tell you what I was searching for in every nook and cranny on that recruiting trip.

In order to control submergence and strengthen bear the tolerance of the roadbed, some segments with cranny and sinking phenomena are reinforced by anchor and injection.

There had been three robberies in town in the last few days. According to the Public Security Bureau, every nook and cranny in town had been searched, but there was no trace of the loot.

Every nook and cranny of this place brought back memories.

We've explored every nook and cranny of our abode. Now we must venture outside for more supplies.

Are you determined to bluster your way into every nook and cranny, or are you a quiet pilgrim to be put in your place?

search every (nook and) cranny

A cranny plan as such kicked off the journey for American ginseng pill to rank the best seller.

"That liquid protein was going down in any nook and cranny in the pan and then you turned on the heat and literally you cooked the food into the pan," she said.

He was sleepy, and his bones ached, and the smell of cooking filled every nook and cranny of his consciousness.

The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path.

The relations between the size of coal lump fractal, surface cranny fractal and density of blasting energy were roughly analyzed by means of the fractal geometry theory.

The cranny in the table became more and more wide.