
3、Mr. Sloane didn't enter into the conversation, but lounged back haughtily in his chair;

6、Sydney quits the CIA and joins a Black Ops unit called "Authorized Personnel Only" alongside Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and... Sloane whom for limited immunity is co-operating with the APO.

1、Olivia Sloane is our teacher now.

5、Alexia Sloane, from Cambridge, lost her sight when she was twoyearsold after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour whilst on holiday in France.


2、Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich.

8、而负空间式的绘画,就是只有椅子的轮廓,强调椅子以外的空间。我住在伦敦 SW3 区,位于南肯*顿(South Kensington)和斯隆广场(Sloane Square)地铁站中间。这个区都是优雅古典的老房子,有维多利亚风格的,也有红砖新拜占庭风格的。往肯*顿方向走,可以走到博物馆路(Exhibition Road),在这个路口,有三座博物馆:维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(V&A)、自然博物馆、科学博物馆。不过,伦敦最令我怦然心动的展览,其实是皇家艺术学院(RCA)的夏季秀。皇家艺术学院离切尔西区不远。

4、The British Museum first opened in the 18th Century largely based on the collections of the scientist Sir Hans Sloane

7、Yale's Protestant Chaplain William Sloane Coffin reports that "a girl said to me the other day, 'I don't know whether I'll ever believe in God, but Jesus is my kind of guy."'