despair at造句

Sometimes you will despair at the rate at which you are changing.

wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.

I am dislike the winter of Shenzhen, a season that full of hurt and despair at memory.

We made these deserts from the desire for more money and from despair at the lack of it.

This same intellect might have been plunged in despair at the ordinary character of all that met the eye in the case of the perfumery girl.

PALO ALTO, California – AS the designer R. Buckminster Fuller liked to tell it, his powerful creative vision was born of a moment of deep despair at the age of 32.

Syria's protesters, newly emboldened, swing between elation at their success and despair at the bloodshed.

Even the melancholy horse himself seemed to look in at the window in inquiring despair at each walk round.

As long as there was any danger, M. Gillenormand, seated in despair at his grandson's pillow, was, like Marius, neither alive nor dead.

Or so Jane thought in the depths of her despair at this fork in the road, with her doctor's death sentence waiting around one bend and God's waiting around the other.

I particularly like the writer's evident despair at the state of the porcelain.

When you despair at the many obstacles in your lives, switch tracks to what the future holds for you.

I felt I was in despair at that moment.

Since 1996, she has veered between the joy of the truth and despair at an " insoluble situation".

despair at造句

England captain can't hide his despair at defeat.

This is symbolic of the aridity and decadence of modern western civilization as well as the poet's own inner despair at the desolate prospect of the post-World War I era, its chaos and frustration.

With the announcement of the ceasefire, despair at last gave place to hope.

In this short span of 10 days, I experienced the loneliness, hopelessness and despair at a loss, but also experienced the joy regained hope.