
Fanzi Quan, China's pictographic boxing in one of boxing.

I guess the meaning of it is from Chinese characters' pictographic style based on transliteration.

In the theory of formation of ancient Chinese characters, the pictographic characters employed the association, analogy, symbols, and other means to creat written forms.

Chinese character is evolved in "pictographic character".

The scriptures are written in a pictographic script which is independent from the Chinese writing system.

Recently it has found a new life among Chinese youth as an emoticon to express a bad mood, since it also looks like a face crying out in a pictographic version of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.”

Large numbers of peak clusters and pictographic rocks rank B level in geological vestige landscape.

At the same time has developed a symbol of pictographic glaze, for the first time in the glaze surface like the dragon like chicken as at the patterns of the shrimp.

In Chinese documents and media, the way to translate Japanese proper nouns into Chinese is often a pictographic translation.


Talon Fanzi Quan, China's pictographic boxing in one of boxing.

The structure of the word no longer has the pictographic meaning of the ancient writing, but it is completely symbolized.