
Provide friends and family with an interesting twist on the vigil lights by using candle balls!

Well into this dark night in Iceland's history, parliament remained under siege, and the vigil resumed this morning.

Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil.

Buceros vigil [helmeted hornbill]

Thousands camped out all night and took part in an all night prayer vigil at Circus Maximus.

Only myself and John's son-in-law were in the house. The rest of the family kept their vigil at their own houses, waiting for my call.

At MIDNIGHT the Palestinian vigil against the predations of nearby Jewish settlers begins.

And officers on both sides kept a vigil against similar outbreaks of humanity every December for the rest of the war.

As for why he keeps vigil next to patients, Oscar may be mimicking the behavior of staff who spend time with dying patients.


The detectives resumed their vigil at the house.

Outside the exam sites, parents keep vigil for hours, as anxious as husbands waiting for their wives to give birth.