
The Nuremberg Laws codified and extended anti-Jewish legislation in Germany.

I do not lose myself in films or plays, I've never been a dreamer, and if I aspire to any form of mastery at all, it is one defined by rules of the Internal Revenue Service and codified by law.

It suggests premeditation and epic willfulness, codified as inherited instinct.

The country which invented, or at least codified, the world's favourite sport will go at least 60 years without hosting its ultimate spectacle.


Next, that agreement has to be codified into binding law or regulations.

By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole, chasse were steps codified by then).

MOST people regard grammar books and dictionaries as a codified set of rules prescribing DOS and don 'ts.

The civil law countries have codified their law so that the main source of law in those countries is to be found in the statutes rather than in the cases.