
But today she sits across town at the train station; waiting patiently, idly.

They may sit idly for hours, and stop eating, bathing, going out — even getting out of bed.

My neighbors slowed their cars to wave as they passed, and a few people stopped to chat, their engines rumbling idly.

When with the day's burden I went home, my love was sitting in the garden idly tearing the leaves of a flower.

Some time afterward, I happened to take out the notes of the story, and idly looked them over; and suddenly, I do not know how, I got the point of view!

The Border Patrol agents sitting at them chat idly to themselves.

People you disagree with are what gets you going, rather than idly going through an unchallenged stream of consciousness.

The herd boy who grazes his cattle sitting under the banyan tree, and idly weaves gunja flowers into gar - lands, who loves to splash and plunge in the Jamuna's cool deep stream.


It eats in her to stand idly by.

The OED says "couch potato" originated as American slang, meaning "a person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes."

Clusters of young men lollop around the streets idly.

When I disconnected my cable TV box, I let it sit idly in the corner of my apartment for several weeks.

If the death toll suddenly rises into the thousands, can the rest of the world stand idly by?

A Libyan rebel leader, Abdul Fattah Younis, has accused Nato of standing idly by while forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi continuing killing people in the besieged western city of Misrata.

The women say that custom prevents them from idly sitting outside.