
The condition of willemite formation in the glaze melt and the range of glaze composition are determined.

Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism.

Most people don't like questions– they like answers. And if don't get easy answers straight away, their eyes immediately start to glaze over.

Along with many of McDonald's sauces, both the cilantro lime glaze and the orange glaze contain propylene glycol alginate.

The business field including kiln, steam drying tower, lay - glaze line and cremate equipment.

There was raw glaze on the pots that sat again on the drying rack.


Several salads have either cilantro lime glaze, or orange glaze added.

Just before serving, spread filling into meringue shell. Top with strawberries. Drizzle with glaze.

The glaze of the table was scratched.