
The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable.

Over time Nansen came to "laugh at the ice; we are living as it were in an impregnable castle."

Complacency is sad, no innovation will be abandoned by society, should always keep a strong desire to learn. To be in an impregnable position.

The Old and New Hangu Passes and Tongguan Pass used to be the three impregnable passes along the ancient Xiaohan Road.


The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument.

Believe whatever it may be. I believe in this impregnable carapace of mine more than a magic fruit.

You think your friendship as impregnable as the Great Wall of steel, you have to do a red and friends secretly glad.

We must build forces that are as impregnable as a rock.

The last scheme for adding security to your machine is the boldest one. You will close the open port making your machine virtually impregnable to any attack.

Fundamentally, he believes that creating impregnable tickets is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

The dike that is protected by Mangrove forest is impregnable!

In the contest with other news types, entertainment news must consider the important factor which is news value if it wants to be in an impregnable position.

Once impregnable, they are now defenceless against the thousands of tourists who swarm here each year to relax on the plethora of beaches and marvel at the imposing fortresses.