
Take away these teacups.

I want these shoes resoled.

Sort these eggs by size.

What do these emission figures actually mean?

More information on these padding character syntaxes.

"These guys start waving their sabers, chasing these veterans out," Blacher says.

So those were the tests for an inductive generalization, these were the test for causal generalization, these for the arguments from analogy, and these for argument from authority.

After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.

I reject these choices.

Dispose of these old newspapers.

They'll envy these boots, these wavy locks, these harrowing tales of frozen Minnesota!

The capabilities of these devices vary tremendously.

I know these lessons are the basics...... but these remain cornerstones of design.

The durable wood of any of these trees or shrubs.


Who murdered all these?

How prophetic are these examples?

More studies are needed to confirm these findings as these data are from a subgroup analysis.

For generations, these decisions were the exclusive purview of doctors;

Perform only these steps.

Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.

If I were gone, all these would molest you.

I can' t untangle these accounts / figures.

All these facts were stored in his memory.

And when you look at how accurate these spectrographs are, these measurements are really pushing these instruments to the limits of their accuracy.

Hitch these two ropes together .

To support these actions, it is key to publicize success associated with these changes.