birch tree造句

The magnificent birch tree grew deep in heart of the forest, and close nearby grew her three little daughters, still slim of trunk.

The house is set on top of a small mound surrounded by birch trees.

But there was so much to see. More precisely, there were so many birch trees to see.

A pond with a good supply of willow, poplar, and birch trees, is the perfect spot for a beaver family to set up its home.

birch tree造句

As I search for them, I see a downy woodpecker spiraling up a birch tree, its blaze of reds as sharp as a tongue of flame.

The Indians peeled the bark from birch trees to make canoes.

In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them, across a landscape of boggy ponds, rhododendron-like shrubs and wind-blasted birch trees.

Significantly, this line marks the southern limit of the birch tree, a plant whose pollen is one of the causes of hay fever in northern Europe.

The building, with its mysterious angles and shafts of light, staircases and even birch trees popping up in unexpected places, is visually exciting.

I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree, and climb black branches up a snow-white trunk toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again.

The second threw on his canvas a thundering waterfall, with a fragile birch tree bending over the foam;

"They drove in a black limousine, past groves of birch trees and endless rows of identical new buildings."

The light from the street lamp on the corner filtered down through the birch trees, casting a glow as green as a summer memory upon the winter - brown back yard.