
They are so lazy that their dorm room is always the dirtiest one.

People in countries like Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Madagascar, and Haiti only have access to the dirtiest water in the world.

The idea is to set your kitchen timer for 5 minutes. Next, rush to your dirtiest room and clean it up.

Coal is the dirtiest of fossil fuels, producing twice the carbon dioxide that natural gas does when it is burned. That makes it a big cause of global warming.

Wuxi was among the dirtiest cities I'd ever visited: the 100-degree-fahrenheit air was almost impossible to breathe.

He was discovered to be anti-English, and to the class that made this discovery this was worse than the dirtiest crime.

He always picked the hardest and dirtiest jobs.

The country also is a major maker of cement, which is a dirty business because the kilns burn the dirtiest, cheapest fuels, such as oil sludge.


He was one of the dirtiest little unfortunate I ever saw.

In the daytime, when electricity consumption is at its highest, the dirtiest, least efficient power stations are rolled out to help meet peak demand.

Power generation contributes more to global warming than any other industry, and coal is the dirtiest part of it.

She is a savvy street fighter who invented the term "war room" and can call on the help of some of the dirtiest bruisers in the business.