
As the caption indicates, the toothbrush is not a product of good attributes, but of unsatisfactory ones.

Photo and caption by kieran dohertyA Perseid meteor streaks past stars over the neolithic monument of Stonehenge in Salisbury, wiltshire, southern England.

An advertisement for Miracle- Ear hearing aids shows a picture of a spaced-out youth, coiffured for Woodstock. “Back then you chose not to listen, ” says the caption.


This photo and caption were submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Photography Contest.

This week we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.

There is a caption under the picture.

Mr Abbas's PA responded by decking the West Bank in posters showing Mr Qaradawi hugging ultra-orthodox Jews at interfaith meetings, with the caption "Qaradawi meets Israelis".

Each source operator is given a relevant name that is also reflected in the caption of operator in the canvas.

Subscribing to play for a maximum of three times with audio, caption, and translation features on could be priced more than copying multimedia onto CDs with the license agreement.

As you can see in Figure 10, the icon and caption pairs are iterated across and then down.