
You would let them starve.

It was easier to let Leningrad's inhabitants starve.

As phytoplankton starve, so too do the fish and mammals that depend upon them for food.

Neutral observers could reasonably conclude that they are just the latest salvos in a longstanding "starve the beast" strategy.

That's particularly important here because [fibrosis] can starve cells of oxygen and inhibit their ability to respond to glucose.

To paraphrase blogger turned cookbook author Hank Shaw - if you wanted to starve to death in the wilderness, you'd have to try pretty hard.

We never starve.

The poor starve while the rich feast.

Disease will likely kill you before you starve, due to your body's weakened state.

Put up a sign saying ‘collective farm’. Then half the mice will starve and the others will run away.

You'd have to so aBuse your body that it was basically as frail and sickly as that of an 80-year-old. Or maybe nutritionally starve it.

Without bees, humans would starve.

But increasingly that freedom is just the freedom to be ignored, the freedom to starve.

The effect has been to starve the Euphrates of its lifeblood, which throughout the ages has guaranteed bountiful water, even during drought.

But when there are no hares, the foxes starve.

A pollutant such as volcanic ash may destroy plant life, kill or starve animals, and fill up lakes and rivers which fish depend on.

We gave them bread, lest they should starve.


Will his family starve?

Yet, if a bird sits still, instead of gathering the food God has provided for them, they will starve.

We are as dependent on our frying pans as sheep are on their internal fellow travellers, for if you eat nothing but raw food you will starve to death.