
Copyright is the big hurdle.

That hurdle should be cleared at next week's meeting.

Auditing and bookkeeping challenges associated with new mandates represent another Business hurdle.

The second hurdle for a would-be lawyer is the bar exam itself.

Many travel agencies are concerned about this trend, seeing it as a significant business hurdle for 2009.

Code review may detect errors; if not, you can have some peace of mind that your code has passed the first quality hurdle.

From my conversations with enterprise executives, I've gathered that security remains a great concern, but it's less of a hurdle today for those who have done their due diligence.


Another typical hurdle is culture.

The most obvious hurdle, however, is Gatsby himself.

But candidates can evade the 10% hurdle by running as independents.

Life is difficult bumpy, as long as you can overcome this hurdle of his own heart, success is a step forward.

Since the biggest hurdle in the path of solar power is the expensive and large nature of solar panels, these new microscopic cells will make a huge difference.

But the bigger hurdle was attitude.

Now they have crossed the hurdle and finding it's not so bad.

The application of the technology in fruits and vegetables meat food and food packaging. The prospects of application of hurdle technology in concoct food are forecasted.

What's your highest hurdle?

She has even trained her bovine pet to soar over a beer-crate hurdle like a regular show jumper.

So many tell us that trying to get a diagnosis feels like an insurmountable hurdle and they have to fight tremendous battles to get the help, support and services they desperately need.

The only hurdle is creating an additional layer of DTOs and converting them to/from domain objects.

You’ve got one more hurdle: the celeb interview.

THE GENETICS: Making a system that can duplicate itself without modern life’s elaborate protein enzymes is the project’s biggest hurdle, but progress has been dramatic.

The second new hurdle is the unpaid internship.