Structure Adhesive of TDE-85/E-51 Epoxy Resin Modified by Polyurethane

As he realized that his mother wasn't changing her mind, and the TDE started to crackle more, he knew that it was too late.

Underwater location of the air source by TDE

Research on the Location Algorithms of Miners Based on Frequency-Domain Model of Coal Mine and TDE Technology;


Curing Reaction of TDE-85/E-51 Epoxy Resin Modified by Polyurethane

本文介绍以TDE- 85环氧树脂作为基体,以间苯二*(MPD)、间苯二**(A-50)作为固化剂,制备高模量树脂基体的方法。

Curing Mechanism of TDE-85/E-51 Resin Modified by Polyurethane

The prepare method of high modulus resin matrix was introduced, of which epoxy resin TDE-85 was used as matrix, a 50 and MPD were used as curing agents.