
In work near cities the hubbub of traffic and industry produces additional ground vibrations.

The sound of the city hubbub is not exciting for me, but with a little touch of gloom!

Delivering marketing messages in the midst of this hubbub is a job worthy of an advertising Superman - or a Mr Seinfeld.

It claims these can eliminate more than 90% of background noise. The earbuds have three separate settings: one for planes, one for trains and buses, and one for general office hubbub.


A hubbub over the region's next air hub.

"The huge height of the buildings... The hubbub and endless stir... Struck me into a kind of stupor of surprise" (Robert Louis Stevenson).

I replied to all on the email asking if they realized that the only people visiting the website were all the people receiving the email who were curious to see what all the hubbub was about.

Fanghua water, the waves of tenderness, in a hubbub in the fall.

The air in the mountain is so fresh that can make the busy citizens be far away from the hubbub and feel way above par.

Do not panic reminds me of "reading on floor Poems" inside verse: "spring quietly riding trail, green fragrance abandoned hubbub."

Garfield: What's all the hubbub?

Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas CARDS, many people in America take time to help others.

Although this is becoming less true as laptops gain both the power of desktop systems and wireless capabilities, it remains the case that users will, by necessity of the form factor, be stationary and out of the hubbub even when using laptops.