
The auto grading module includes drawing grading rule, auto grading and returning answers.

Such a procedure complicates the task of grading.

If a professional grading system existed, executives would never settle for a D- in their careers.

Part of the problem is that I have trouble producing an exact definition of the criteria I use when grading.

I took my Admiralty exams in the car with me, grading them as we rode or at night when the campaign work was over.

This study demonstrates that faculty and students do indeed view an instructor's grading standards, sense of humor, attire, students' prior interest in subjects, and course difficulty as the most influential variables in student ratings.

Because I won't actually be grading your papers.

Every one of them has the number of its grading painted on it in red.

EPDT is providing agronomic advice and grading training to prepare farmers to reap and grade the chilies once they are ripe.

At many other law schools, especially those where the admission's standards were more lax, the grading tended to be tougher, with the expectation that 20 to 30 percent of a class should fail.

Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils.

The remainder of the assignment presented me with other difficult grading problems.

Remember my grading analogy?

So naturally cracks are a key factor inprocessing and grading table eggs.


What's so hard about grading?

And taking a little time to improve your grading skills can yield employees that will want to work with you for a long time.

When I grade software engineering assignments, I feel more like a humanities professor grading essays than I do a science and engineering professor grading tests.

Other measures such as hormone levels, clinical grading of varicoceles, Doppler ultrasound findings, and other semen parameters did not reach statistical significance.